Gippsland girls rampant

Ava Deszcz had an unbelievable first quarter on Saturday. (Rob Carew: 402284)

By Jonty Ralphsmith

Gippsland’s girls have moved to fourth on the Coates League ladder with a commanding victory over GWV Rebels at Port Melbourne on Saturday.

The Power girls made a statement with a five-goal first term which set the tone for an ominous display, running out victors 15.7 97 to 4.3 27.

After the Rebels burst out of the blocks for little reward, Gippsland kicked five goals in the last 12 minutes of the first quarter, Pakenham’s Ava Deszcz having a hand in all of them including kicking two herself.

Deszcz used her strength and showcased her marking playing as a deep forward.

“It was pleasing to see the control we played with once we hit our straps and the way we planned to play, we executed really well,” coach Nathan Boyd said.

“It was quite powerful and quick late in the first quarter – at the start we probably played too much contest up and down the line which played into their strengths but after the 10-minute mark we started taking the ball off the line and played a switch and transition game which is what we wanted to do.”

In an even team performance, Deszcz and Ella Stoddart kicked three each while Ash Centra, Acacia Sutton and Mia Smith-Clark each kicked two.

Maya Crestani won the ruck battle with a game-high 16 hitouts, while Jas Sowden’s defensive work, Grace Dillow’s x-factor and Lily Milner’s polish were all factors behind an impressive win.

The coach was full of praise for Dillow and Stoddart.

“Ella’s been really consistent and we keep throwing her forward and back,” Boyd said.

“She’s kicking goals and when she’s defending she doing the one on one work well which is an area we’ve challenged her to improve and it’s been really impressive.”

“Grace’s ground-ball stuff through testing conditions has been second to none and her ability to drive out of contest is strong.”

The result propels the Power to fourth on the table with two games remaining in the regular season.

Meanwhile, the boys went down 16.7 103 to 12.7 79, blown away in a four-goal-to-zero second quarter.

The Power mounted a mini charge in the third quarter, before conceding three goals in three minutes either side of the last break to undo much of that hard work.

After a tough start, Berwick’s Harry Canning did well to contain AFL Academy key forward Jonty Faull after quarter time, while Alixzander Tauru played as a forward-midfielder and had five shots on goal, playing mostly on Vic Country backman Mitch Lloyd.

State Combine invitee Asher Eastham was an aerial presence in defence, showing his versatility with six marks as the Power were forced to defend 57 inside 50s.

Gun Warragul Industrials local and Vic Country under-16s representative Cody Templeton showed promise on debut with a nice late goal capping a 13-disposal debut.