Job readiness bootcamp a success

From left to right: Andrew Simmons, Craig Hilton, Alex Charlton, Jasper Budiono, Zach Townend and Rosie Hopgood (Stewart Chambers: 462452_01)

By Ethan Benedicto

The Job Readiness Bootcamp was a success, as a group of eager and determined youth filtered into the halls of Berwick Chisholm on Friday, 28 February.

Andrew Simmons, ceo of South East Local Learning and Employment Network (SELLEN), said that he was amazed to see the level of engagement from those who attended.

Laughing at the thought, he said that “we almost had to kick them out at the end because they were really engaged!”

“We didn’t have huge numbers, but the young people and job seekers that were there, they were very involved.

“To quote some of the employers that were there, the quality far outweighed the quantity, which is an amazing sign,” he said.

Once Andrew and the other presenters had finished their speeches, he recalled speaking to the attendees one-on-one, ensuring to deliver that critical message that “they’re not in this on their own”.

For him, SELLEN, and the employers who attended, he said that the key part was to make a difference in people’s careers and to push that message for them to know that “it’s okay to ask questions”.

“The employers are there, and they want to help, to support you find the job that you want,” he said.

“It was a real collective effort, and we could see the benefits of networking, and that every person knows that you’re looking, as well as other people who have an eye and ear open for you.”

As someone who has been with SELLEN for roughly 15 years and in a corporate position beforehand, the feeling never changes whenever he, the organisation, and other employers have the chance to lend a helping hand.

“This is why we do it; I left the corporate space for a reason, and I love what we get to do here,” he said.