Students launch Project Compassion

Back row from left: Mr Liam Doherty of DOSCEL, Ms Sally Murphy of Caritas, student leaders Willow Goode of Catholic College Sale, Harvey Brown of Lavalla Catholic College, Traralgon, Joshua Bradley of Marist-Sion College, Warragul, Justin Anand of St Francis Xavier College, Beaconsfield, Grace McKenna of Nagle College, Bairnsdale, Michelle Muchai of St Peter’s College, Cranbourne, Deb Griffiths of Nagle College, Bairnsdale, Alexis McGuire of Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College. Front row from left: Ms Siji Dominic, Diocese of Sale, student leaders Patrick O'Dwyer of St Joseph’s Primary School Wonthaggi, Ivy Reidy of St Lawrence O’Toole Primary School, Leongatha, Ted Enbom of St Joseph’s Primary School Korumburra, Evie Walker and Grace Gard of St John the Baptist Primary School, Koo Wee Rup, Bishop of Sale, Most Reverend Greg Bennet.

Student leaders from St Francis Xavier College in Beaconsfield and the Cranbourne campus of St Peter’s College were among a total of seven schools to launch Project Compassion on Friday, 7 March.

They were accompanied by the Catholic Bishop of Sale, the Most Reverend Greg Bennet, as he joined the students, teachers and other guests from schools and parish communities to mark the beginning of Lent, as well as the Caritas Project Compassion appeal.

Each year, during the season of Lent, Project Compassion aims to bring together the thousands of Australian schools and parishes to “stand in solidarity” with the world’s most vulnerable communities in order to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Likewise, the theme for 2025’s project is ‘Unite Against Poverty’, where during Lent, parishes and Catholic schools are encouraged to donate and host fundraisers in the name of Project Compassion.

These funds raised will then support Caritas’ work in assisting vulnerable and needy communities both in Australia and overseas.

Alongside the two schools mentioned above, also present were representatives from Marist Sion College, Warragul; Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College, Leongatha; Lavalla Catholic College, Traralgon; Catholic College Sale and Nagle College, Bairnsdale.

Four Catholic primary schools were also in attendance: they were St. Laurence O’Toole Primary School, Leongatha; St. Joseph’s Primary School, Korumburra; St Joseph’s School, Wonthaggi; and St John the Baptist Primary School, Koo Wee Rup.

Each school representative received a Caritas candle to take back to their schools, which was presented by Bishop Greg Bennet and Caritas Australia’s community partnership specialist, Ms Sally Murphy.

Following the launch, Bishop Greg joined students, staff and guests for Shrove Tuesday pancakes, with the stalls being run by the students also serving as a fundraiser for Shrove Tuesday, the eve before Ash Wednesday.