Three local activities you can do to kill time over the school holidays…
1) Cranbourne Gardens
Discover the treasure trove of flora and fauna in Cranbourne’s natural bushland. More than 400 plant species provide food and habitat for over 150 bird species and more than 20 mammals including the nationally endangered southern brown bandicoot. The Gardens also hosts a range of reptilian wildlife, including three rare snake species, and 12 out of 13 species of frogs from Greater Melbourne have been recorded in Cranbourne Gardens.
2) Myuna Farm
From education to relaxation, Myuna Farm is preserving the agricultural history of Casey while focusing on current environment sustainability issues. The working farm allows visitors to have hands-on contact with a variety of animals and to learn about farming processes, farm animals as well as various sustainability activities. It is located at 182 Kidds Road, Doveton.
3) Casey Cardinia Libraries
Casey Cardinia Libraries have stacks of events happening at their libraries during the school holidays and they are all free. From magic shows to craft, Lego building to computer coding, there are events to suite all ages from toddlers to teens. Bookings are essential for most activities.