Giant art indulges senses

Georgia with her kids Declan and Lola from Narre Warren. 198254_04

A labyrinth of colour, shapes, and winding tunnels has landed at Bunjil Place.

Visitors were transported to a different world as they stepped inside the giant illuminated installation of the Katena Luminarium on Thursday 26 September.

The interactive walk-in which indulges all the senses is designed by Alan Parkinson of UK based luminaria company Architects of Air, who draws his inspiration from architectural and geometric structures such as gothic cathedrals and Islamic architecture.

Guests can enter the mesmerising maze featuring a stunning kaleidoscope of colours, shapes and subtle sound until Sunday 6 October.

Accessible for people with disabilities and suitable for all ages, Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon is encouraging everyone to experience this amazing installation.

“We are so excited to have Architects of Air’s Katena Luminarium installation at Bunjil Place. Visitors will be able to sit down, relax and take in the calming and energising effect of the ambient space,” she said.

For more details and to make a booking visit Bunjil’s Place website.