Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I don’t get brain freeze because I am too hot looking.
What are you most passionate about?
Animals, because I think they are better than people they are funny and love you no matter what.
What is your most memorable moment?
Spending three days with the Brisbane Lions for my Make a Wish.
What two things do you consider yourself to be very good at?
Video games via eye-gaze and definitely making people smile.
What event past or present would you like to witness?
I would like to see Brisbane lions winning the Grand Final and also the Los Angeles Gladiators win the Overwatch Grand-final.
Which three dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?
Steve Irwin, Robert Irwin And Royce, my brother from another mother.
What are you currently listening to/watching or reading?
All things Marvel, Brisbane Lions and Los Angeles Gladiators.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
To have my body to be normal, because that is a super power in my eyes.
Where is your dream holiday destination?
I would go for a holiday to the UK because there is a new Ability Drive coming out that would allow me to drive my wheelchair all by myself with eye-gaze through my computer. Then I can walk my dog Bella all by myself and go where I want at anytime.
What is your favourite animal and why?
Lion, because i Love the Brisbane lions , Los Angeles Gladiators have a symbol of a Lion and also I love Detroit Lions. Squirrels are also very cute.
What were you like as a kid?
The real Ace.
What’s one question you have never been able to get the answer to?
Why people won’t give me 50 bucks. Ha ha ha!