Riders ‘rumble’ to Dandenong Market

The view from the Market terrace. 306704_18 Picture: GARY SISSONS

A mass convoy of 743 Harley Davidson motorbike riders roared into Dandenong Market on Sunday 6 November.

The Harley Owners Group (HOG) Dandenong chapter’s Thunder Ride was two years in the making, with police escorts and traffic lights synchronised for the rumbling parade of bikes down Princes Highway.

In the blazing morning sunshine, HOG chapters from as far away as Canberra, Bendigo, Geelong and Gippsland turned out.

A huge crowd of more than 31,000 converged on the market for the festivities, including a Show and Shine exhibition of bikes as well as tribute band The Screamin’ Eagles.

Crowds took every vantage point at the Dandenong Market – and there were many all along the Clow Street entrance.

Families were perched along The Bazaar windows, the front steps were full and the nature strip behind the barricades were the best vantage points for the convoy’s arrival.

The music, the food, the sunshine – organisers can’t wait to ‘rumble’ again next year.