Stellar supporters of Red Cross

Hallam Friends of the Red Cross service medal recipients Barbara Chinnock, Sue Hall, Betty Keen and Elizabeth Russell. 412136_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Four stalwarts of Hallam Friends of the Red Cross were awarded at a presentation on 18 June.

At the group’s 45th birthday party, Betty Keen, Barbara Chinnock, Sue Hall and Elizabeth Russell received service medals for decades of volunteering.

Ms Keen’s medal marked 30 years with the group.

She’s served as branch secretary, helped organise events and worked hard behind the scenes.

Current treasurer Ms Hall, and Ms Chinnock and Ms Russell, have each served at least 20 years.

A service medal was also awarded to Joy Cappadona for 10 years’ service, including her role in the Friends’ teddy bear knitting program for hospitals.

Connected Libraries staff Kara and Alysha were guest speakers at the 45th birthday afternoon tea, which was held at Hallam Community Centre.