Modern Australia has an Aboriginal heritage, a British foundation and a multicultural character. These three elements are what have made the Australian identity unique. When we are free to recognise and celebrate them equally, we continue building on the strengths of this great nation.
For a long time, Australia has enjoyed incredible freedom, peace and prosperity. We are known as the lucky country owing to the rich natural resources beneath our land and sea. We are described as one of the most successful multicultural countries on earth, successfully uniting many races, cultures and traditions through shared values.
There is no doubt our generation of Australians have lived through an unparalleled arc of history, but we can’t take this for granted. The freedoms, peace and prosperity we have today came at a great price, and it is now our job to preserve that for future generations. I believe we must continue to uphold our shared Australian values in order to protect the nation-building ideals that have made us the envy of the world.
Being Australian is something to be proud of. Whether you were born locally or overseas, the beauty of this nation is that we can all call ourselves Australians and celebrate the strength of this incredible country.
Happy Australia Day!
– By Renee Heath MP,
Member For Eastern Victoria Region. Shadow Assistant Minister For Multicultural Affairs and Shadow Assistant Minister For Victims Of Family Violence