DOVETON and Eumemmerring residents can voice their opinions on their neighbourhood at a community workshop next week.
The information workshop is aimed at identifying what residents want and need when it comes to local services and facilities.
The study is an initiative of the Doveton and Eumemmerring Neighbourhood Renewal Program and is jointly funded by the City of Casey and the Department of Human Services (DHS).
Patterns and statistics sourced from an information survey sent out to all residents in the area will also be analysed and form part of the response.
Casey manager for city living Richard Amon said the feedback obtained would help council and the State Government to address the needs of residents over the next decade.
“The community information workshop is an opportunity for residents to talk about their relevant issues and experiences and learn more about the overall study and how their involvement will help plan the facilities needed to service their community,” Mr Amon said.
The workshop will take place at the Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre on Tuesday, 14 November from 6.30pm to 8pm.
Interested residents can book by contacting the Casey community planning project officer Jacqui D’Sylva on 9705 5200.