Forum coaches clubs on success

REPRESENTATIVES from sports clubs in Casey united together in Berwick recently to learn about enhancing and developing their clubs and programs at a sports forum.
Casey Council organised the Celebrate Sport in Casey event which allowed sports club representatives to discuss sport, network with other clubs about their successes and programs as well as listen to tips and tricks from keynote speaker and Melbourne Storm development general manager Greg Brentnall.
Casey manager of arts and leisure Robyn Bowen said: “Representatives from 17 local sporting clubs attended the Celebrate Sport in Casey Forum and two local clubs, the Cranbourne Cricket Club and Casey-South Melbourne Cricket Club, made presentations.”
Mr Brentnall, who has been associated with Melbourne Storm since its inception into the NRL, shed some light on the successes and downfalls of the Storm and related it to how local clubs can market themselves and become successful.
“Council is committed to supporting community sporting clubs which play a vital role in developing and sustaining communities as well as fostering community pride and participation,” Ms Bowen said.
The sports forums and club development workshops calendar for 2008 is currently being planned and will explore topics based on the feedback received by local sporting clubs at previous forums.
For more information about sports development in the City of Casey, contact sports development officer Melanie Timney on 9705 5200.