Set for a challenge

By Glen Atwell and Cassie Maher
WITH ambitions to play at the 2006 Commonwealth Games, table tennis star Chamara Fernando has his sights set on New Zealand.
On 28 September the 31yearold from Endeavour Hills will travel to New Zealand as part of the Australian team and will be looking to improve his national ranking.
Ranked ninth in Australia, Fernando needs to improve to fifth to secure a place in the 2006 Commonwealth Games team.
Having beaten the fourth and fifthranked players at the last national tournament, Fernando is confident that with patience and dedication he will make the Australian team.
Fernando moved from his birthplace Sri Lanka eight years ago after competing in the 1997 Australian Open Table Tennis Championships.
Fernando began playing table tennis at the age of 16, and was three times Sri Lankan national champion before making the move down under to continue playing the sport he loves against the best in the world.
“If you really want it, you just have to work really hard at it,” Fernando said of his ambition.
As well as working as a factory hand for Chadwick Merchandising, Fernando finds time to practise every second day at Dandenong Table Tennis Centre.
“The training is so important, the most crucial thing.
“If you want to do well, you need to focus in on your goals, train hard and you will achieve them,” Fernando said.