Awareness in the can

By Melissa Meehan
THE Mammojam and Bras in a Jar are just some of the exciting and intriguing marketing ploys that a group of year 12 students at Berwick Secondary College used to raise Breast Cancer awareness among classmates during the 2007 school year.
The group of seven students raised $3400 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Assistant principal Ann Martin said that the group first approached her early in the year wanting to contribute to the community in their final year of school.
“From there they evolved their idea to include a concert event, selling merchandising and other types of fundraising concepts to help breast cancer,” Ms Martin said.
“They were really amazing. They had a number of setbacks but continued to work hard throughout the year to ensure that their dream would become a success,” Ms Martin said.
“They received help from various staff members at the school but essentially did all of the hard work themselves.”
Setbacks faced by the students included a double-booked hall on the night of the concert and other small dramas.
“They decorated the hall brilliantly for a concert that included performances for past and present students, there were bras hung up along the walls of the hall and it was just amazing,” Ms Martin said.
Student and member of the group Natalie said that the group was always involved in dance events and concerts at the school and thought it would be fun to organise something during their final year to make it more memorable.
“Year 12 is the last year of school for us, it was important to make it memorable and helping out a charity like breast cancer was an added bonus,” Natalie said.
“The other students were really supportive, especially the Krispy Kreme donut drive. Everyone was willing to help out.”
The students are now completing their final exams and are looking forward to a well-earned break after an exciting year.