Big noise about silent killer

THE Casey branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) will host a cancer awareness seminar at the Old Cheese Factory, Homestead Road, Berwick, at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 18 July.
Guest speakers will be ovarian cancer national projects manager Sarah Duguid, and gastroenterologist Dr John Goy of the Digestive Health Centre, Dandenong, and the bowel cancer screening ward at St John of God Hospital, Berwick.
Ms Duguid will speak on ovarian cancer awareness, and Dr Guy will discuss prevention through diet.
CWA branch secretary Noeline Shields said the theme of the evening was The Silent Killers – Silent No More, aimed at raising awareness of cancer prevention.
“The seminar is free and all are welcome,” she said.
“Supper will be served afterwards allowing time for questions and discussion.”
For more information contact Noeline Shields on 9707 0305.
“This seminar is part of the CWA commitment to involvement in the community and raising awareness of important social and health issues.
“This is especially so when early detection makes a vital difference to the outcome.