Students get a sporting chance

OATLANDS Primary School students are a healthy and happy lot.
The Narre Warren school is one of the first in Casey to take part in a program offering after-school care to students which is aimed at building a healthier lifestyle.
The Active After School Communities (AASC) program allows children to increase their activity and confidence levels and also encourages them to try new sports.
AASC southern metropolitan regional coordinator Brett Johnstone said the free program promotes the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle and the philosophy of good sportsmanship in a safe and structured environment.
The Oatlands program is being conducted on two afternoons each week, with children taking part in a variety of physical activities including taekwondo and other games.
The program is also helping to link Oatlands Primary School with the wider community and local sporting clubs through the involvement of community members in the delivery of these activities.
For more information about the program contact Brett Johnstone on 0437 700 462 or visit