Narre powers in pennant

NARRE Warren Bowls Club had a good win at home against Mulgrave CC (4) in Saturday’s RVBA round four, division four, section six 18/117 to -/57.
L. Metaxas, D. Randall, R. Naismith and G. Manifold (s) won 37/9. J. Uren, B. Brewster, D. Smith and L. McCurran (s) won 34/10. R. Dixon, L. Willcox, G. Duggan and F. Appleby (s) won 17/16. P. O’Day, J. Hickman, J. Green and I. Brotherton (s) won 29/22.
Division six, section six played Burwood District (4) away also winning well 18/125 to -/80.
S. Firmin, J. Sheahan, J. Schwennesen and S. Birkett (s) won 30/17. L. McGeary, G. Haringsma, P. Castricum and D. Amezdroz (s) won 37/21. S. Robinson, A. Kidd, S. Bray and G. Miller (s) won 27/20. S. Platt, M. Horton, J. Zanon and J. Henman (s) won 31/22.
Saturday’s mixed social bowls winners were L. O’Brien, B. Potter and J. Norman (s). Best last-game winners were B. Hanam, G. Lowry and R. Hoare (s).

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Tuesday’s pennant round five played at home against Edithvale (2) saw a sound win to Narre Warren 100/72.
J. Fox, B. Baldwin, J. Naughton and E. Gibb (s) won 24/21. D. Platt, E. Naismith, M. Horton and S. Bell (s) won 18/17. P. Uren, A. Mortimer, T. Henneman and K. Murray (s) won 24/20.
W. Haringsma, M. Clancy, N. Dickie and E. Arnott (s) won 34/14.


Mixed social bowls winners were J. Nilsson, R. Naismith and L. Cook (s).
Runners-up were W. Okuniewski, N. Hosmer and J. Sheahan (s). Best last-game winners were K. Harrison, H. Henneman, L. Metaxis and A. White (s).


Ladies guest day was enjoyed by all visiting teams with four rinks being contested overall, activities being concluded before rain came.