THE City of Casey has created an opportunity to assist disability advocacy and support groups to become confident and effective resources to the community with a free three-day training workshop entitled ‘Being Heard — Solutions not Problems’.
Casey manager youth and community development Janette Green said the training forum, facilitated by Access Solutions National, offered extensive networking opportunities and incorporated topics such as understanding group dynamics, meeting procedures, council processes, confidentiality and privacy, decision-making and disability awareness.
The workshop is open to one representative of each relevant organisation. The training will run over consecutive Mondays on 22 May, 29 May and 5 June from 9.30am to 2.30pm at the Council Chambers, Casey Civic Centre, Magid Drive, Narre Warren.
Bookings are essential and morning tea and lunch will be provided. Limited transport, carer and interpretation support available — please advise when booking.
For more information or to make a booking, contact Casey’s Metro Access disability inclusion officer Jasmine Pickford, phone 9705 5200, TTY: 9705 5568 (Telephone Typewriter Service) or TIS: 131 450 (Translating and Interpreting Service).