CONSOLIDATING the Stereotype … Is Punk Dead? will be the theme for tomorrow’s (Friday, 25 November) FreeZA youth gig from 6.30pm to 11pm.
Presented by Spectrum Entertainment and City of Casey Youth Services, the gig will present a diverse outlook on the punk rock genre and pay a respectful visit back in time.
The night is dedicated to punk rock’s timeline, meaning and influence on modern day music.
The outstanding New Age line up features the bands Your Humongous Head, The Verdict, Makeshift, Ellora, The Duvtons and Lakota Nokker.
The event is a fully supervised, drug, alcohol and smoke-free night for young people aged 13 years and over at the Cranbourne Public Hall, on the corner of Clarendon and High streets, Cranbourne.
The cost is $5 with an entry pass or $8 at the venue.
For more information or for $5 entry passes contact City of Casey Youth Information Centres on 9705 5200.