Bowls thriller for Parkers

HAMPTON Park Bowls Club’s division-four side won one-shot a thriller against the visiting Clayton side on Saturday.
With three rinks finished, the game was decided on the last remaining rink.
Clayton was holding shot, giving it an overall lead of just one, with only the skippers to bowl.
The Clayton skip’s bowl clipped the edge of the jack that moved to behind a Hampton Park bowl.
The first bowl from the Parkers skip rested on the shot bowl and this put a lot of pressure on the skip from Clayton, to kill the end in an effort to save the game.
He missed and the Parkers got up to win by one shot 99-98.
A very strong finish by the Clayton side on rink one saw Andrew Logan, Bob Nicol, Allan March and skip Fred McBrian go down by just four shots (27-31).
From 13 shots down on end 10, John Scothorne, Allan Unwin, Alan Wilcock and skip Neville Hendrie fought back to go down by two shots (22-24).
Ray Wood, Lino Da Pos, Keith Damon and Robert Naismith had their 15-shot lead cut to seven by a determined opponent (29-22).
No more than three shots separated these two sides all day with Les Unwin, Gerry Cox, Lance Davis and skip Geoff Ladner having to settle for a draw (21-21).
Hampton Park did not fare as well in its game at Clayton when the home side won by 65 shots.
Sheila Scothorne, Rudy Oost, Chris Hendrie and skip Andrew Brandolin were 10 shots down at the halfway mark, but stopped the margin from getting any bigger (18-27).
It was touch and go for Drew Oliver, David Oliver, Heather Naismith and skip Bill Webb to finish one shot up at the end (21-20).
After being level at end 12, Clayton put the foot down and left Ellen Smith, Keith McCarthy, Eddie Graafsma and skip Werner Melzer 19 shots behind (15-34).
All bowlers have bad days and Gail Wilcock, Geri Graafsma, Ann Westwell and skip Bill Tannahill had theirs on Saturday, losing 6-44.
Hampton Park played Dandenong City at home and recorded a 23-shot win for two points.
Rhonda Diaper, Mavis Kelly, Ellen Smith and skip Gwen Clough played well in the second half, preventing their opponents from extending their lead (19-33).
A good win to Dot Carr, Keith McCarthy, Chris Hendrie and skip Mary Hose by 27 shots (33-6).
On rink three, Joyce Cameron, Gail Wilcock, Grace Hogan and skip Ann Westwell hung in to win by four shots (22-18).
The scores were level on four occasions and it was over the final ends that Andrew Brandolin, Lorna Hayes, Geri Graafsma and skip Heather Naismith pulled away (22-16).
This weekend is a double header for the RVBA pennant competition with games being played on Saturday and Sunday.
If any member is unavailable to play, they are asked to put their name on the list on the noticeboard.