Fund-raisers dine out on their success

THEY helped raise more than $200,000 for cancer research and last week a few of the Casey-Cardinia Relay for Life participants enjoyed a civic dinner courtesy of Casey Council.
Casey councillor Brian Hetherton and wife Pauline invited members of Team Jess and relay organisers to the function.
He said it was an appropriate way to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of just a few of those who took part in the event in March.
“They deserve huge congratulations for the work they have done,” he said.
“You just have to look around the community to see how many people are touched by cancer. These people helped raised more than $200,000 for research.”
A record-breaking $206,464 was raised by the 33 teams who entered the 2007 event – nearly five times more than last year.
Team Jess broke all records as it collected more than $76,000 to be the biggest money raisers in the eight-year history of the event.