Batsman out over clash with umpire

IT’S just not cricket.
That was the call after a clash between Doveton batsman David Dawson and umpire Des Renfrey resulted in Dawson being suspended for the rest of the season.
The turf four cricketer was playing for Doveton against Keysborough at Pargeter Reserve on 5 December when an altercation between the two took place during the tea break.
Dawson was found guilty of misconduct.
Renfrey was also cited on physical and verbal abuse charges and found not guilty.
Dandenong District Cricket Umpires Association president Bob Moffat said they had lodged an appeal against the suspension handed out to Dawson.
“Needless to say, we thought it was too lenient so we have lodged an appeal against the length of the suspension,” Mr Moffat said.
He said the incident was rare in cricket and he had never heard of anything similar.
The suspension will see Dawson miss five more regular season matches.
“We put forward our case and the tribunal has made their finding,” Dawson’s mother, Karen, said. “Now David just wants to put this behind him.”