Friends fear for library

By Rebecca Fraser
LOCAL residents fear plans to extend the Doveton Library have been shelved.
Friends of the Doveton Library say the library has become increasingly cramped and a meeting room is urgently needed.
The honorary secretary of Friends of Doveton Library, Brenda Williams, said the group aimed to promote the Doveton Library and, under the auspices of the Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation, arrange and finance various activities for both children and adults.
Ms Williams said in the absence of a meeting room, community events were held in the library itself, disrupting its normal operation and turning away borrowers.
“We are aware that some time ago plans to develop the library and the adjacent Maternal and Child Health and kindergarten were under consideration and are most disappointed that these appear to have been shelved indefinitely.
“A meeting room at the library would enable these functions and the library itself to operate more efficiently.”
Ms Williams has been involved with the Doveton Library for 12 years and said in the past five years, the library had become overcrowded.
She said she would like to see the library’s limited opening hours extended so it was open six days a week.
The Friends of Doveton Library run children’s holiday programs and writing competitions and this Valentine’s Day, they organised a special event that attracted 50 people.
“A lot of elderly people come in, as there is quite a large print collection, and other people come in as they have nowhere else to go.
“Others come and read the papers because they do not want to buy one,” she said. “We even have to hold our community book sales out in the open air because there is no room.”
Friends of Doveton Library treasurer Connie Newman has lived in Doveton for 48 years and said the Autumn Place library was a pivotal community meeting place for local residents.
“It is a lovely library but it is just too small,” she said.
The group’s concerns were presented to council last Tuesday and River Gum Ward councillor Wayne Smith said council officers would now compile a report addressing these issues.
Cr Smith said the library was small and cramped and there was no doubt that the building needed an extension and a new meeting space.