Generosity the ‘in’ word as 180 girls raise $3000

A NARRE Warren Girls’ Night In function raised more than $3000 and provided plenty of laughs for 180 local women recently.
Event organiser Danielle Murrihy said she was thrilled with the support from the wider community, who either attended on the night or donated goods or services.
The money raised will go to the Cancer Council Victoria and help fund clinical trials, research and staff training.
“I’m extremely happy with how the night went,” Mrs Murrihy said.
“Everyone there said they had a terrific time and the feedback has been good.”
The Narre Warren resident said she had many people to thank for helping out on the night.
“Barb Joseph, a local comedian, gave me a call and offered her time free of charge and she was actually MC on the night,” Mrs Murrihy said.
“She was really great.”
Other organisations to help on the night included Let’s Unwine and The Party Food Shop.
“Everybody really knocked me out with their generosity.”
The popular Girls’ Night In concept is held in many locations across Victoria and helps raise funds for research into breast and gynaecological cancers.
The success of the event has got Ms Murrihy planing another fundraising function for next year
“I will be doing a Biggest Morning Tea event and also another Girls’ Night In event next year,” she said.
“I want to try and organise two functions a year.”