Red Shield appeal begins

By Jim Mynard
THE Salvation Army 2007 Red Shield Appeal will be held on the weekend of 19 and 20 May.
Lieutenant-colonel Denis Lorimer said during the official launch of the appeal in Casey that a wide range of community groups had offered to help on the calling days and the Casey group hoped to raise $100,000.
This would be $30,000 up on last year.
Red Shield Appeal chairman Chris Andrews said people saw our Salvos at all sorts of situations, including domestic violence, where they were often seen counselling the offenders, and at road trauma.
“They always make us feel good when we ask for help, no matter what the reason.
“I thank the Red Shield Appeal team for a great job,” he said.
Edrington Ward councillor Mick Morland officially launched the appeal.
He said callers would be out on the weekend of 19 and 20 May and started the collection with a $1000 donation from Edrington Ward funds.
Barry Plant Real Estate representative Paul Dabb matched this with a cheque for $1000.
Cr Morland said two well-established Salvation Army bases existed in the City of Casey at Cranbourne and Berwick.
“The council highly values Salvation Army work.
“The Salvo slogan ‘Heart of God and Hand to Man’ says much about the Salvation Army that has developed a proud tradition of working with the most disadvantaged people in our society.
“Immediately after the Burnley Tunnel accident eight Salvation Army staff, a control vehicle, catering truck and four-wheel drive with support trailer were on hand to provide tea, coffee and food to evacuees and emergency officers.
“The drought has also brought the Salvos out with special officers visiting people and dispensing much needed emotional and financial support.”