Residents unite to help fight cancer

CASEY residents came together this week to help raise money and awarness in the fight against cancer.
The Casey Can Do Club held an information night for residents keen to find out how to do their bit to help cancer research.
The club is a small group of volunteers who particpate in many of the Cancer Council’s events, including Relay For Life, Daffodil Day and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Cancer Council official Marnie Moon said the dedicated group is vital in helping people in the Casey area lend a hand.
“Not only does Casey Can Do Club fulfill a key role in raising awareness in the Casey area of cancer issues and Cancer Council activities, the group also raises vital funds to support our important work,” Ms Moon said.
Funds raised by the Casey Can Do Club enable the Cancer Council to continue funding life-saving cancer research, education and prevention programs, and support services for people facing cancer.
Each of these activities benefits both people living in Casey and Victorians as a whole.
“While the group is one of our smaller volunteer groups, it’s had great success in raising funds. For example, the fundraising dinner and auction held by the group last year raised more than $4000 to fund our important work,” she said.
The club is also a great way for residents with an interest in fighting cancer to meet like-minded individuals in the local area.
For more information contact 1300 656 585 or visit“As individuals, it’s easy to lose heart when thinking of ways you can contribute to the cancer fight.”