Students strike gold on stage

IT was a night of ghosts, gold and greed as Trinity Catholic Primary School senior students performed the musical Ghostly Gold Diggers at the Alexander Theatre recently.
The play, written by Shirley Sydenham and directed by Trinity’s drama teacher Tremaine Pavlovski, detailed the attempts of a greedy couple to scare young students away from the gold-mining camp they have inherited.
Student Bradley Cavalot, who played the greedy Fred Clatchett, said: “I’ve been in a few other plays before but it was still exciting to get a main role. I’ve enjoyed working with Mrs Pavlovski and all my other friends.”
Fellow actor Celine Nugara, who played the ditzy Rosepetal Sleezenslymes said: “It’s exciting to have a main role but it’s hard to learn your lines. If I had the chance to be in another production, I’d want a role that wasn’t too hard or too easy.”
Teacher Kirsty Pitman said the production was a huge success.
“We knew we had a lot of student talent, but there were still some kids whose acting totally floored us,” she said.