Tune in to interactive online radio

Nick Verhaar
Online streaming radio stations have become extremely popular in recent times.However, it looks as if they are about to evolve into something even bigger with the introduction of newer interactive radio stations.
Pandora is the first of which to offer interactive streaming radio which allows listeners to create their very own radio station, tuned exactly to their own personal music taste.
Listeners only have to punch in their favourite artist or song title and Pandora will not only play that song but it will also serve up a plethora of similar music.
The similar music may well allow the listener to stumble upon and become hooked on songs or artists that they have never heard before.
As the listener begins to punch in more and more artists and song titles, Pandora will continue to customise the kind of music that is played.
As the listener continues to listen and rate individual songs by either giving them a thumbs up or down, the ingeniously designed engine will begin to learn their musical tastes down to a tee for maximum listening pleasure.
Pandora offers more than 300,000 songs from more than 10,000 artists and can stream to a desktop at a high quality rate of 128Kbps.
For those who are hopelessly hooked there are direct links to iTunes and Amazon so a particular song or album can be purchased online.
Pandora is at http://www.pandora.com.