Winner tackles daily battle

By Sarah Schwager
DESPITE some sore muscles and a couple of dips into the snacks cupboard, Star Makeover winner Colleen Tancredi is settling into her new routine.
This week Colleen began her weekly pampering from the Remedial Dermal Clinic (RDC) and Spa in Berwick.
Each week she is being treated to a massage, facial, or even intense pulsed light photorejuvenation to improve the skin on her face.
“It’s like winning Tattslotto. It is the ultimate. And the massage is great when I’m training,” she said.
Colleen is still working in the gym, exercising every other day and trying to stick to healthy eating.
Every day she has to fill out a diary of everything she eats and drinks and the exercise she does.
“I’m really honest when I fill it out, a bit too honest,” Colleen said.
After a couple of handfuls of chips and chocolates, personal trainer Amanda Dean gave her a small slap on the wrist.
“Amanda said from now on every time I eat something bad I have to do 10 push-ups,” Colleen said.
She said last week it had been pelting down with rain and she had had a shocking day. After picking her kids up from school she had bought them some hot chips.
“I had a handful of chips. I couldn’t help it, it was so cold,” she said. “But that night I had two yoghurts for dinner as compensation.
“I know when I’m doing something wrong.”
Colleen said that week she also had a handful of mini M and Ms.
“That was two bad things in the one week,” she said.
Colleen said despite the weight loss not showing up significantly on the scales, she had been very proud after her last measurements were taken. Since starting the makeover, Colleen has lost seven centimetres off her waist.
“I feel fitter. I feel better in myself and in my clothes,” she said. Colleen said there was still a way to go, and she hoped to one day be able to train without feeling so sore.
“I have been really sore. I don’t think I would be able to do this if I didn’t have Amanda spurring me on.”