Arts focus comes into view for exmayor

Rebecca Fraser
RIVER Gum councillors Janet Halsall and Wayne Smith have set their sights on the arts following Saturday’s election.
Former Casey mayor Janet Halsall led the vote in the ward and said she was glad to be back in council.
But she added that she would have liked to see more of a female commitment on council.
“I am very thrilled with the result and I still think there is a tremendous amount to be done in the ward. I am looking forward to representing River Gum Ward and the new boundaries derived from it,” she said.
Cr Halsall said she would be carrying on the excellent work of former Myuna councillor Brian Oates in the northern part of her ward.
She also said she was keen to see more of an emphasis on the arts in Casey and was excited about becoming involved in Casey’s new activity centre.
“I would like to see a greater focus on the arts in Casey,” she said.
“Sports is fantastic but sport is not for everyone.
“I value all areas of the arts and I am keen to have the arts emphasised,” she said.
Cr Smith said he was happy with the election result and to be working with Cr Halsall again.
He too said he was hoping to kick some more goals in the arts as well as focusing on other issues in his ward.
“It was a good victory for me and that is a sign the ward was happy for me to be returned.
“I am pleased Janet got in because I have known her for a long time through council and through other issues,” he said.
Cr Smith also praised all of other River Gum candidates for running a clean and honourable campaign and said he was pleased that there had been no “dirty tricks” in his ward.
“My commiserations to all other candidates. I value their opinions and concerns and they are welcome to give me a call and discuss them,” he said.