At last, the end result

By Sarah Schwager
THE wait was over for hundreds of VCE students around Casey on Monday.
Students rang, sent a text message, or logged onto the Internet to check the results of the past arduous year.
Hampton Park Secondary College VCE coordinator Shannon Keane said the school was delighted with the VCE results and that there had been a two per cent increase in results from last year.
“We are very pleased with the results,” Mr Keane said. “It’s all good stuff to hear.”
The top-scoring student, Oscar Alarcon, received an ENTER score of 98.7.
Oscar studied eight subjects over three years – Specialist Maths, Maths Methods, Further Maths, English, Literature, French, Spanish and Chemistry. He studied two VCE subjects in year 10 and two in year 11.
Berwick Secondary College assistant principal Anne Martin said the most outstanding part of their results this year was with the year 11s who had studied VCE subjects, with a couple achieving perfect subject scores.
The top-performing student out of the school’s 200 VCE students was Sam Martin with a 97.8.
The school is one of the largest Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) providers in the state, and Ms Martin said Berwick Secondary College’s VCAL students had done the school proud.
“We are ecstatic with their results and that they are able to go on and do apprenticeships and so on,” Ms Martin said.
Principal David Green said the results were pretty much what they had expected.
“We are very pleased,” Mr Green said.
“We had quite a high number of students achieve results in the eighties and nineties but we also had a very high pass rate which is great.”
Principal of Maranatha Christian School in Endeavour Hills, Andrew Mackenzie, said he was very happy with the school’s VCE results.
He said Matthew Ratten had achieved the school’s highest ENTER score, receiving 98.0.
Mr Mackenzie said Matthew would now study engineering.
“I am very proud and delighted with the results.
“Everyone passed and there was a good set of results,” he said.
Daniel Pampuch, principal of Hillcrest Christian College in Clyde, was equally proud of his students this week.
He said Stefan Redpath was the school’s highest scoring student achieving an ENTER score of 90.6.
“All students in the top 20 per cent that I have spoken to have gotten into the course they wanted and scored above 80 per cent,” he said.