Bradford calls for apology from MP

By Callan Date
CASEY deputy mayor Kevin Bradford has demanded federal MP Greg Hunt apologise to council over comments the politician made regarding the sealing of Manks Road.
Cr Bradford raised the issue at Tuesday night’s council meeting after Mr Hunt’s remarks regarding the Clyde road appeared in the Herald-Sun last Thursday.
Mr Hunt was quoted as saying council’s decision to bill Manks Road residents with a special charge was “mean spirited.”
“It was fairly cheap of Mr Hunt that he has criticised council. Mr Hunt has said the special charge scheme is a clear breach of funding. This is a very clever play on words,” Cr Bradford said.
However, the Federal Member for Flinders was quick to reply.
“This issue is too important for silly games. The real losers in all of this are the residents,” Mr Hunt said.
“They were meant to have been covered by the Commonwealth funding but instead are having their pockets picked at a time many of them are struggling to cope with diminishing returns from their land,” he said.
“The council is now being paid twice for Manks Rd – once by the Commonwealth and again by the residents.”
Talk about Mr Hunt’s comments in council’s chamber, however, didn’t stop councillors from voting to reinitiate procedures for the special charge scheme for affected Manks Road residents.
Councillors voted eight-three in favour of the special charge scheme. This could result in homeowners paying up to $9000 to have the road sealed.
Councillors also voted to accept the $860,000 in Federal Government funding to help seal the final 2.7-kilometre section of the dirt road.
Casey officers were keen for councillors to pass the motion so approval of the funding could be sought before the 15 June deadline.
Cr Steve Beardon spoke against the motion.
He said Cardinia Shire had sealed its portion of Manks Rd at no charge to residents and Casey should do the same.
“We have the money. There is no need to impose a special charge scheme,” Cr Beardon said.
Casey CEO Mike Tyler said Manks Road residents would still get an opportunity to speak to council before a special charge scheme was finalised.