Cash-back God deal

By Jim Mynard
THE Berwick Church of Christ is offering a cash-back incentive to anyone who completes its next Alpha Course and doesn’t form a relationship with God.
The Alpha Course starts with a free two-course dinner and video on Wednesday, 13 September.
Pastor Ken Rayment said the cash incentive was genuine.
“We have seen so many people’s lives changed by God through this course that we are offering every person who does not have a relationship with God $100 if they complete the Alpha Course and believe it has been a waste of time.”
Participant Jeff Luga said the Alpha Course opened his eyes to the reality of God and His power.
“It gave me an understanding that Christians aren’t a bunch of freaks, but people who have joy in their hearts because they have a relationship with God.”
Presenter the Reverend Nicky Gumbel said more than eight million people worldwide have now attended an Alpha course.
“These courses are running in tens of thousands of churches of all denominations across the world.”
Mr Rayment said Alpha was an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening setting over 10 thought provoking weekly sessions and a weekend away.
“We welcome sceptics, people of other faiths, the curious, those seeking answers or an experience with God,” he said.
Further information is available at the church on 9702 1011 or with Daryl on 0438 096 385.