Noise over track funds at council

CASEY Council has allocated $5000 for a noise assessment study on a proposed recreational motorcycle track in the Five Ways Devon Meadows area.
Councillors voted at the council meeting on Tuesday, 19 September to allocate the money for a noise assessment study on land subject to a planning application by Wayne Maslen for a motorcycle riding track in the south of the municipality.
Mr Maslen’s attempts to establish such a facility in Cardinia Shire have proved unsuccessful, but he has since found a site in Casey’s Balla Balla Ward which he believes is suitable.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford said the use of recreational motorbikes throughout the city was a serious problem facing the council.
“It is one thing for council to create local laws, impound or fine riders who ride illegally,” he said.
“But what we need is a recreational area to allow our young folk and indeed older members of the community to take part in this recreational activity.
“We must provide residents with a safe and legitimate place to ride,” Cr Bradford said.
Councillor Lorraine Wreford said Mr Maslen was using an ‘emotional argument’ in order to receive funds from council.
She also questioned why council was putting forward $5000 for a private enterprise.
“What do we do when other businesses come to us and use emotional arguments? I totally object to what is happening,” Cr Wreford said.
Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton also spoke against the move, and said if Mr Maslen did not have $5000 towards initial consultancy, then the project would never get off the ground.
“I am absolutely not happy putting in $5000,” Cr Hetherton said.
Councillors also moved that officers consult with Mr Maslen regarding his choice of approved consultants, qualified to perform such an assessment.
The funds will be made available upon completion of a formal planning application with all required documentation being received by council.