Springboard to success

– Alison Noonan
COUNCILLORS from both sides of politics have vowed to work together to achieve big things in the City of Casey’s Springfield Ward.
Liberal councillor Lorraine Wreford returns to join new face and Labor-aligned Michael Farley.
Cr Farley has already come under fire for his involvement with Narre Warren South MP Dale Wilson, who drove him to the declaration of the poll on Sunday.
“I am Labor and I never hid that,” he said.
“I was not making a statement.
“I have known Dale Wilson for 15 years and knew him before he was an MP.
“He invited me to my first meeting and is an inspiration and mentor to me.
“My car battery was flat and that’s why he drove me,” he said.
Cr Farley said he was capable of making his own decisions and would not be influenced by his fellow Labor candidates.
He said abolishing overseas trips was high on his priority list.
“Some people would not be able to afford an overseas trip for years as they have families and high mortgages,” he said.
“It is not fair that some councillors get the high life.
“When I went door knocking most people thought it was the biggest rort,” he said.
Cr Wreford said she was confident that all councillors had come into council with the “right attitude”.
“I am looking forward to the challenge of working in a new and expanded ward and I am sure I will work well with my new ward partner,” she said.
“It’s good to have new blood in there but I would love to see more women put their hands up for council,” she said.