Time to remember

By Rebecca Fraser
ON THE 11th day of the 11th month at 11.11am a baby was born at Dandenong Hospital, giving new meaning to Remembrance Day for the Haley family of Berwick.
Paris Haley made a “dramatic entrance” more than a week before her due date, much to the delight of her parents Kianne and David Haley.
The couple married in February. Mrs Haley said her 3.07kilogram bundle of joy was ‘scheduled’ to enter the world on 21 November but had been delivered early via caesarean section.
“We thought ‘wouldn’t it be funny if the baby was born at 11am on Remembrance Day,” Mrs Haley said.
“We were running close when we went in to theatre and when they said you will never believe it, it is 11.11am, we just could not believe it ourselves.”
Both mother and baby were later transferred to Casey Hospital and Mrs Haley said their new arrival had already attracted a lot of attention.
The couple, who were best friends for many years before getting married, said their families were ecstatic about the latest addition to the family.
Mrs Haley said seven members of her family, including herself, had birthdays in November and Paris’ birthday had slotted in perfectly.
She also said both she and her husband had always stopped for a minute’s silence on Remembrance Day and Paris’ birth date had added more excitement to an already exciting occasion.
“We are pretty ecstatic because it is a unique thing. It has heightened an already heightened experience and has given our families something extra to tell everyone about,” she said.
Mrs Haley said that due to her pregnancy they had delayed travels to Paris but were now glad they had their very own Paris all year round.
Mr Haley said he had named his daughter after his favourite place in the world and hoped to take his wife and daughter their next year.