Evans takes charge

By Jim Mynard
CATHERINE Evans has been appointed president of the Casey-Cardinia Rotaract Club.
Past president Alan Garland handed the chain of office to Catherine during the club’s changeover dinner at Oliver’s on Clyde on Tuesday, 3 July.
Rotary Club of Berwick president Geoff Rankin, assistant governor Tim Moore, past president Gary Evans, of Berwick, and past president Ian Wake, of Pakenham, attended the dinner.
Catherine introduced the new board and presented each member with a badge of office.
She outlined her plans for the coming year and said she would focus on boosting membership and increasing service and community based activities.
“The club’s focus is service and community based activities such as the Anti-Cancer Council Relay for Life, Anzac Day support for the Berwick RSL, sponsorship of schools’ academic prizes, plus local and international projects.
“There is also a large component of fun and fellowship involved.
“Some of the activities we participate in to create bonds within our group are water-skiing, four-wheel driving, weekends away, hiking, social dinners and many other interesting adventures.”
For further information about Casey-Cardinia Rotaract call Catherine on 0438 152 119, or email president@ccrotaract.com.