Footy hopeful fights back after injuries

By Rebecca Fraser
A PROMISING teenage sportsman has had his life placed on hold after being cut down by horrific injuries following an incident outside the Hallam Hotel in September.
James Nicolaci, 19, was run down by a car in the service lane of the hotel at about 1.30am.
The talented Doveton footballer sustained two broken legs, head and elbow injuries and underwent surgery at The Alfred Hospital.
He now has rods in both legs, has undergone a muscle skin graft and requires weekly physiotherapy.
Mr Nicolaci cannot return to work as a carpenter for another eight months and also faces the prospect of never pulling on his beloved football boots again.
The Narre Warren under-18s premiership player said he had not given up hope and would love to return to the football field again.
However, Mr Nicolaci concedes that making a comeback at Doveton could be more than two years away as returning to the game would most likely mean the removal of the rods in his legs.
“I am upset that I won’t be able to play next year with the boys and that I will have to sit back and watch.
“Before this I was the type to never be at home and was always out with my mates and surfing.
“This has had a big impact on my life and I was depressed for a while,” he said.
Mr Nicolaci said he had spent a great deal of time at his house in Phillip Island since the incident and had been shocked and upset by what had occurred and the severity of his injuries.
Doveton Football Club senior coach, Steve Henwood, said Mr Nicolaci was a promising footballer and it was disappointing that his playing future was now in jeopardy.
“He (Nicolaci) certainly had a lot of potential and would have played more senior games if the side had not been so strong.
“He had the opportunity to play one (senior) match and kicked a couple of good goals and really highlighted what he could do.
“It is pretty sad to hear what happened and I was very disappointed when I found out,” he said.
Mr Henwood said the incident had marred celebrations of the under-18s and seniors’ premierships and Nicolaci had the club’s full support and encouragement on his road to recovery.
“It is good to see him coming on because it was such a terrible thing to happen.
“It has put a dampener on it (premiership wins) for us, as both the firsts and thirds won undefeated.
“For that to happen at the end of the season is just terrible but he is young and a couple of years will pass by quickly.
“The whole club has their fingers crossed for him and we hope he comes back to play,” he said.
A 19-year-old Berwick man has been charged with intentionally causing injury following the 24 September incident and will face the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court for a committal mention on 17 January next year.