Helping hands for horse farm

By Rebecca Fraser
THE Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) is on the look out for new volunteers.
Based at Doveton’s Myuna Farm, volunteers would assist with horse-riding programs for children and adults with disabilities.
Nar Nar Goon resident June Richardson has been an RDA volunteer for 11 years and spends two days a week at the Kidds Road farm.
Before volunteering, Ms Richardson said she had never had anything to do with horses and all volunteers needed was a little commonsense.
She said she loved being a volunteer and found it a very rewarding experience.
“It is wonderful and you get so much out of it.
“You see so many smiles on their faces and they just get so much out of it,” she said.
Ms Richardson said she helps saddle the horses, and lead and feed them.
RDA and Doveton Myuna Farm Centre committee member Gloria O’Connor said the riders derived a wide level of therapeutic and social benefits from this activity.
Riding sessions are held in an indoor pavilion at Myuna Farm each weekday during the school term, and experienced trained coaches conduct morning and afternoon sessions.
She said volunteers helped in a variety of ways such as leading, side-walking, putting away equipment, assisting riders with helmets and boots, and with many other tasks. Ms O’Connor said all work at the RDA was done on a voluntary basis and no special skills were necessary.
“A few hours per week is all that is required and training is available,” she said.
If you would like to join the RDA volunteer team, contact June 5942 7345 or Coosje 9707 2301.