Students experience diversities of culture

MORE than 60 nationalities came together recently for a multicultural day at Thomas Mitchell Primary School.
Englishasasecondlanguage teacher Priya Dhingra said the theme was “We Are One” and aimed to bring the school’s many cultures and nationalities together.
“We have over 60 nationalities here and just under 700 students,” Ms Dhingra said.
“About half dressed up and the day started with a traditional dress parade.
“We then shared a lunch of traditional foods with the students bringing food from home and there was such a beautiful array of food,” she said.
Ms Dhingra, who helped organise the day with languageotherthanEnglish teacher Stephanie Bender, said it was important that students shared their cultural experiences and backgrounds.
“People may be Australian but they can still come from different backgrounds, nationalities and countries and there is a wealth of experience to be shared,” she said.