Anyone for tennis?

Players from the Frawley Tennis Group in Hallam are looking for new players and age is no    barrier. Left to right, Lisa Moretti, Nola Leggett, Paul Fyander, Bett Bowman and Jan Berner.Players from the Frawley Tennis Group in Hallam are looking for new players and age is no barrier. Left to right, Lisa Moretti, Nola Leggett, Paul Fyander, Bett Bowman and Jan Berner.

By Rebecca Fraser
AGE is no limit at the Frawley Tennis Group in Hallam.
Just ask 74-year-old player Nola Leggett.
The Hallam resident has been playing the game for more than 20 years and is now urging other tennis fans to come along and enjoy a friendly doubles match.
Ms Leggett said age was no barrier and their group was not just for older players or retirees.
The group meets for doubles games each Monday morning, when they have full use of the five courts at Frawley Road.
“Young people and people of any age can come along as long as they can play,” Ms Leggett said.
“It is only us there and it is purely social.
“No competition is attached at all and the best thing is that it is so relaxed,” she said.
“The beauty is that there is no joining fee and people can come when they please.
Both women and men are invited to come along for a hit.
The games begin at 8.15am in the warm weather and at 9am in winter.
Ms Leggett said she had made some good friends during her tennis years.
Each year players and their partners come together and enjoy a nice Christmas lunch before they break up for the holidays.
“We have had players from Berwick, Beaconsfield, Narre Warren and we did have some players from Cranbourne.
“We only play doubles as it is too hard to play singles.
“The trouble is that with an older group you cannot rotate around if there is not a lot of players and you do not get a chance to sit out or take a break.
“So we are encouraging people of all ages to come along and play a game with us,” she said.
The group also plays shorter five game sets but she said people were welcome to come along and play six sets if they could find an opponent.
For further details contact Nola Leggett on 9703 2203 or go to the tennis courts at Frawley Road Reserve, Frawley Road, Hallam on Mondays from 8.15am.