Jets fire up to attract new players

The Strathaird Jets netball club in Narre Warren South is now recruiting new players to pull on a bib and join a team. From left: Jessica, Cassandra, Kim Galenda, Chloe, Annette Messenger, Brandon and Ebony. The Strathaird Jets netball club in Narre Warren South is now recruiting new players to pull on a bib and join a team. From left: Jessica, Cassandra, Kim Galenda, Chloe, Annette Messenger, Brandon and Ebony.

YOUNG or old, male or female – the Strathaird Jets want you.
The netball club, formed in April, is seeking players for the October season.
Club founder Annette Messenger said it did not matter if potential players had never pulled on a netball bib, and beginners were welcome.
“We have a season starting up in October and wish to open an invitation to players aged between eight and up, male and female,” she said.
“It does not matter if they have never played before – we are all about having a go and getting active.
“Young or old, everyone is welcome.”
Ms Messenger said she started the club after trying for two years to get her daughter on a local netball team.
“We were always being put on waiting lists and could not get her a game,” she said.
“So I thought that since I used to play netball I would try and get a team together.”
The club has already been able to start two teams in the first season – an under 11 and an under 13 team.
“The response we have had has been great,” Ms Messenger said.
“A few weeks into the season we even discovered boys could play and my 10yearold son started playing for us.
“There is not really any other team around us and the community support has been great.”
For more information or to join the club call Anne Messenger on 0421 655 893.