Libraries full of reallife stories

Above: From left, Tyler, Charlotte, Aman and Leigh have fun with ‘Terry Circus and his ‘extreme unicycle’ at Narre Warren Library last week. Above: From left, Tyler, Charlotte, Aman and Leigh have fun with ‘Terry Circus and his ‘extreme unicycle’ at Narre Warren Library last week.

By Sarah Schwager
CASEY libraries have been packed with the young and not so young over the past two weeks as school holiday programs reached their limits.
Narre Warren Library showcased puppets, craft, storybook reading and clown performers as part of its holiday program.
It also held a new teenage drama workshop by Berwickbased Bats Theatre Company.
Narre Warren youth services librarian Ann Delohoy said the program had been successful.
“We were particularly pleased about having a program for teenagers. We are hoping to build on that,” Ms Delohoy said.
“With the drama workshop, we had teenagers and adults who’d never been to the library before.
“It’s a good promotion for the library. I think traditionally it has been a very quiet place. It is more vibrant and dynamic now.”
Hampton Park Library’s school holiday program was also a big hit with a wide range of programs on offer.
Puppetry, balloonology, musical mayhem, ventriloquism, storytime and the art of making dream catchers were just some of the programs held last week.