New animal charity

By Jade Lawton
ANIMAL lover and Narre Warren resident Debbie Mole has helped start a new animal welfare charity.
Debbie is vice-president of PAAW (Providing Animal Aid Worldwide), an organisation that raises funds for Victorian Dog Rescue, Rigby’s Rescue Inc. and the Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket, Thailand.
Debbie and husband Lee are flying to Thailand next month to volunteer at the Soi Dog Foundation, which feeds and sterilises the stray cats and dogs that live around the Buddhist temples.
PAAW was founded six weeks ago. In that short time the group has already held a fund-raiser night, created a website and brochure, and is now planning a trivia night in October.
“We have about 10 members, all volunteers,” Debbie said.
“We take it in turns to meet at each other’s houses, and we all bring our animals along,” she said.
The other charities that PAAW supports, Rigby’s Rescue and the Victorian Dog Rescue, both save animals that are days away from being euthanized in pounds.
Debbie, a psychiatric nurse, has always felt compassion towards animals.
At 15 she became a vegetarian and managed to convert her mother and sister as well.
In her home country of England, she was involved with Animal Aid and Animals Asia, a charity that helps dogs and cats, as well as bears kept in bile farms.
This was where Debbie saw some of the worst instances of cruelty.
“With the meat trade over there, some animals are basically cooked alive,” she said.
Back in Australia, people can help PAAW by donating goods or becoming a foster carer.
“Animals are getting put down for no good reason – simply because there aren’t enough foster parents,” said Debbie.
“Anyone who loves animals and has a sense of compassion can be a foster carer.”
The group welcomes donations of goods, services or money. “We need support- we are all volunteers and every cent raised goes to the animals,” said Debbie.
Debbie has two very lucky cats, called Charlie and Cleo.
“They are my children; they’re very spoilt,” she said.
To make a donation, volunteer or book for a place for the trivia night, email