Soul Calibur IV: Engaging and entertaining

Star Wars comes to Soul Calibur! PS3 gamers can play as Darth Vader, while the Xbox 360 version features Yoda.Star Wars comes to Soul Calibur! PS3 gamers can play as Darth Vader, while the Xbox 360 version features Yoda.

By Glen Atwell and Shaun Inguanzo
Soul Calibur IV (4): Playstation 3, Xbox 360: $99.95. Rating 8/10.

SOUL Calibur 4 is an engaging, entertaining fighter, and will appeal equally to hardcore fans of the genre and enthusiastic button-mashing maniacs.
In a rare gaming achievement, Soul Calibur 4 manages to advance the fighting genre and remain a highly entertaining pick up and play game.
The inclusion of console-exclusive Star Wars characters to the playing roster, Yoda on Xbox 360 and Darth Vader on Playstation 3, add to the game’s appeal.
Fighting enthusiasts will enjoy mastering the intricacies of attack, defence and movement, while weekend gamers can relish in the game’s arcade-like accessibility.
Namco-Bandai has finally delivered an online mode, and this feature is SC4’s most memorable.
Choose a character, log on and in seconds you’ll be brawling with combatants from across the world. In 2008, a highly polished online arena is an essential component of any game and SC4 passes most tests.
The absence of an ‘instant rematch’ after an online bout is frustrating, as gamers are forced to return to the mode select screen and find another opponent.
An in-depth character-creation mode also bursts with customisation. Create a fighter and unlock countless weapons, armour and move modifiers as you go. Your new warrior will even feature in the game’s cut scenes, allowing you to appreciate your work in high-definition CGI glory.
Single player modes include; Arcade, Story and The Tower of Lost Souls. The latter is the most interesting, and probably the only one worth mastering.
Presentation is crisp, the playing stages are destructible and the sound of swishing swords is majestically recreated.
For those interested in renewing the already exhausted ‘Xbox vs Playstation’ debate, SC4 has a few console-specific ups and downs.
Yoda, the 360-only character, is infinitely more playable than the PS3’s Darth Vader offering. Yoda is nimble and powerful while Darth Vader is heavy and slow.
But, the PS3 gets the nod when it comes to loading times. Playstation owners have the option to install game data on the console’s hard drive, saving many minutes during each gaming session.