Students head to Malaysia

Education Minister Bronwyn Pike presents Eumemmerring College student Aaron Betts with a certificate before he heads overseas.Education Minister Bronwyn Pike presents Eumemmerring College student Aaron Betts with a certificate before he heads overseas.

MORE than 30 Eumemmerring College students were farewelled last week as they set off on a three-week education adventure in Malaysia.
Four teachers and 30 year nine and 10 students from Gleneagles, Fountain Gate and the Endeavour Hills campus will take part.
The tour is part of the Victorian Government’s Overseas Study Program.
Education Minister Bronwyn Pike farewelled the group and wished them well on their trip.
“They will spend up to three months in their host countries undertaking projects and cultural activities in local schools and communities and immersing themselves in other cultures,” Ms Pike said.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for these students to broaden their understanding, experience different cultures and become globally aware.”
The students will have the opportunity to contribute to their local communities when they return, sharing what they have learnt during their global travels with their peers and families and the broader community.
Eumemmerring College was the only metropolitan school selected, with the other three schools from rural and regional areas.
“This will be an amazing experience that students will never forget, making them true global citizens and giving them valuable life lessons,” Ms Pike said.