Couples on track

Berwick Salvos Community Church ministers Karinna and Craig Exon are encouraging couples in the City of Casey to take part in the seven week marriage course which starts on 28 April.29480  Picture: Stewart ChambersBerwick Salvos Community Church ministers Karinna and Craig Exon are encouraging couples in the City of Casey to take part in the seven week marriage course which starts on 28 April.29480 Picture: Stewart Chambers

Kelly Yates
CASEY couples are encouraged to take part in a marriage course to develop stronger relationships.
The seven week DVD based course, which is run by the Berwick Salvos Community Church, starts on 28April.
Minister Karinna Exon said there was no actual counselling involved with the course.
“We empower the couples to work through their own issues themselves,” she said.
Some of the topics covered in the course include communication, sex and dealing with parents and in-laws.
The marriage course costs $10 per couple and will be held every Tuesday night from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
Participants will be treated to dessert and coffee during each session.
The Berwick Salvos Community Church is located at the corner of Ernst Wanke Road and Parkhill Drive in Berwick.
For details call Karinna Exon at the Berwick Salvos Community Church on 0418 566 681 or 9704 1940.