A MEMORIAL dedicated to those who have passed away will become a permanent feature at Casey Hospital.
A tree of remembrance has been planted in the garden outside the sacred space area at the hospital.
Pastoral care co-ordinator at Casey Hospital, Ian Breguet, said the tree of remembrance would create a special place for the families and individuals who have lost loved ones.
“It’s a place to reflect and remember, to honour life, love and relationships,” he said. The idea for a tree of remembrance was suggested by Jim Mollison, whose mother died at the hospital in 2006. Casey Hospital has selected an Acer October Glory, a maple that turns a vivid red in autumn, for the memorial.
“It is meaningful to have a deciduous tree as it reminds us of the seasons of life,” Mr Breguet said. The official tree planting ceremony will be held at 6.20pm on Tuesday 12 May in the hospital grounds.
– Kelly Yates