Debt services in the black

VICTORIANS who use financial counselling services will benefit from a $2.9 million State Government boost.
The funding will be rolled out immediately, according to Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Narre Warren North MP Luke Donnellan. “Access to financial counselling is particularly important at this time due to the state of the world economy and the real possibility of job losses and mounting personal debt,” he said.
Between June 2007 and March 2008, calls to Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) by people needing financial advice increased by a third from the previous year.
The investment will fund 11 new financial counsellors and five new additional call centre staff. “This additional new investment will allow more Victorians to receive face-to-face counselling or contact a dedicated phone service to get appropriate debt advice as a result of job losses or the risk of unemployment,” Mr Donnellan said.
“A debt advice guide will also be produced which will be available online. A new industry liaison officer will also distribute the guide through workplace visits, community education activities and will also work with the banking and finance industry to ensure appropriate assistance programs are available.”
For further information about credit, debt and financial counselling, contact Consumer Affairs Victoria.