By Kelly Yates
Fix the intersection now.
That is the message coming from Narre Warren residents in relation to the dangerous intersection of Maramba Drive and Ernst Wanke Road.
Daniel Kelly, who has been living near the intersection for seven years, said there were regular “nose to tail” car accidents at the intersection.
“Even over the past several days, there have been at least two accidents that I am aware of,” he said.
“Something has to be done to make this intersection safe sooner rather than later.”
Narre Warren North MP Luke Donnellan is supporting Mr Kelly by calling on Casey council to do urgent works at the intersection.
Mr Donnellan has close to 315 petitions with more than 689 signatories supporting the call for the council to fix the intersection.
City of Casey Transport manager Paul Hamilton said council had a proactive annual grey spot program to improve the safety of local roads.
According to Mr Hamilton, the program targets locations that are identified as having potential operational risks that may not as yet show up on black spot listings.
“Council developed a prioritised program of works that included the construction of a roundabout at the Ernst Wanke Road/Maramba Drive Intersection and allocated $270,000 in its 2008/09 budget for works at this intersection,” he said.
Residents in the immediate vicinity of the intersection were advised by letter in April of the planned works, which are expected to start in early June.
Council officers determined that a roundabout at the intersection would be the best solution in relation to facilitating traffic turning into and out of Maramba Drive.
The VicRoads Crashstats database indicated last week that the last recorded casualty accident at the intersection was in July 2003 resulting in minor injuries.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Karen Baxter will be presenting the petitions to council at the next council meeting.