Season set for bowlers

CRANBOURNE Bowling Club opened its summer season last Saturday with an excellent attendance of members, though rain meant the cancellation of planned games.
Chairperson Hans Worsteling, City of Casey councillor Amanda Stapledon, Group 14 RVBA councillor Frank Booth and VLBA councillor vice-president Bernice Helle were in attendance.
RVBA president Wal Ballard and VLBA president Erika Woodman spoke of their hopes for a successful season and welcomed all new bowlers to the club.
Ballard also invited the VIPs onto the green during the lunch break, when Booth declared the 2009/2010 season open.
Cr Stapledon had the honour of delivering the first jack and Helle then put down the first bowl of the season.
Meanwhile, the club’s tournament committee members have arranged some excellent events for the season.
Contact club officials at the clubrooms to enter.